Lantern Light

Lantern light night                  		  ;
First generation                     		  ;
The Gyre of regeneration             		  .
Reflects the day                     		  ;
And a new day scintillate            		  .
In the night                         		  ;
In the late late                   		|||||
Night                             		[:≡:]
Darkness in the night             		[ ∴ ]
Pulls line focus on night light   		[:≡:]
Ardent lit light sight             		|||||
Lite Site                            		   ?
Project lite sight
In the night site
Bright great white
Light bright
Entrance to the omniscient
Masters of time

Oh yeah
Seen, sometimes unseen
But please believe (in)
Believers will see
A great see of sea
Now see
___ ____


Out the window
And o’er the shower

Out in the late on the lake
And the undulating glimmer, the make of the flower

Evince by patience, the entrance, a fate
Sky wait for sky, undulate, I can, but I ______ ____.
Water of the outer river and oh vvavy, vvwavy
Wake from the dock and the loving limpid current of water

Out our outer, into our inner, dither
And the old gold : new gold : simmer

In and out of this confounding and obstreperous glimmer
And the effervescent gate, and the wait, all great lakes

Great creep, great crawl
Ramp of the end of day
Find the wheel and the mirror of their shadow
And they project upon and
Land the beautiful land, I love


Now we water the Earth
With the rain
Rain, wash away the pain

Let us feel the glory
And love of
The Great Spirit.

Beads II

Look to the sky
Find Divine Beads
String and set in motion
The stars plants seeds.