This videotape is a videotape with origins unknown.
It is dusty to the beta max.
Some say this videotape is a video pen: a pen that pens love.
Mustn’t think too hard, nor think too fast.
Fast to think to think too fast.
They think to fantasize, and think to undress,
And unless they guess it’s all right to guess,
They know They know.
Some say this videotape indeed does undress …
A rainbow garden many’d said to profess the delight of our Light,
And our lost era,
And the Error.
People wandr’d off a lovely Shared Track.
How to rekindle our Lost and find our Found.
How to bring the ineffable back.
When unsure,
Stop ahead
And take a break.
With Knowledge of what next,
Feel great.
This video is a videotape beta to the max.
A videocassette: magnetic tape with static,
With low-resolution picture quality,
With faint audio secrecy,
The audio river
And the Big Waves.
Time is time and time and time again;
Time is no time; and our time is lookin’.
A beach for time.
Focus on touch.
Focus on reach.
The love of dreams
Is a beach.
Love found on the beach of a shore,
A shore we seek,
We search forever,
And forever,
And forever more
This videotape is just a beta-max videotape.
Thine to find, in the distance,
Is the island, the water, and the lovely beach.
Sea the sea;
Sea the sun.
Sea to sun,
And stars in the sky.
Stars to the sea,
And sea to the sky.
And sea the sun;
Sun to sea.
Sea the Sea,
And sea a beach.
Loving to reach.